Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Hello again....

Hi there,

It's really been a while since I've posted on here. I'm writing now, even though I really should be studying for my sociology test tomorrow, because I've realized that blogging (even though I feel like I'm still a nubie) is something I miss. I'll make it short----I can have the best of both worlds, you know? ;) But yee, reading my past entries brought back so many memories that I've put in the back of my mind... I know now that I've grown as a person. Those past experiences don't hurt me anymore, and I actually kind of feel silly for hurting before. But I'm human. We're human. We hurt. We cry. We feel. I also believe that our experiences shape who are are and what we're to become, so no matter how much I hurt in the past and no matter how much I will hurt in the future, I should always remember that those feelings--those experiences--serve a much greater purpose: to make me, me--Dianne.
It's 2:06am, and I need to get up at 8:30 for my 9:30 class. I wish I could write more, but I must go. Expect me soon. Writing this made me feel like a little kid whose mouth waters from watching other kids lick their ice cream in the summer sun. Just as the kid desires an ice cream cone of his one, I desire to write, write, write.

Til we meet again,

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