Monday, April 25, 2011

Childhood Memories.

I saw this commercial on tv and chuckled to myself when the advertisement was over. I did the exact thing to my brother when we were younger! I even made him wear dresses and walk in heels! Hahaha, I was so sure he enjoyed it too! :)
It was a good reminder of my fun past, but it made me miss my little brother even more... It's okay... I'm going to see him soon! Yay!

[Click the link! Click the link! Watch it! Watch it!]

Cute Commercial

For You.

Why hello there,

You guys have been saying that I don't write much, so here! Pour vous! :) I'm really really really really really really really really really bored. I'd rather not do homework right now.... I'm kind of worried about my admission to UW. Do you think they'll say no even after I sent my enrollment statement and fee just because of a few Bs (maybe a C) on my final transcript? I know it's really bad that I'm being so lazy, especially now. I should really get myself together. I'm in a rut. There, I admitted it. I'm fat. I'm lazy. I'm not motivated. I don't feel pretty. Yes, I'm in a rut. HELP ME GET OUT OF IT! GET OUT OF IT!
It definitely sounds easier that it is... Oh goodness, what am I going to do. Man, this blog was supposed to make me happy! Now I'm just feeling like this -_-.
              Wow! That looks like a crying face!! I'm going to try it again!!
Right?! Or does it look like freckles? Or dimples! Hahaha.
Do you ever just look at yourself straight in the mirror, make silly faces, then laugh at your own silliness? If you haven't, you should really try it! It'll definitely brighten up your mood! :)

Kay, I have to use the bathroom.... Taddalu!


Friday, April 1, 2011

My Life: One of the most beautiful stories I have ever read...

My Life: One of the most beautiful stories I have ever read...: "The leaves were falling from the great oak at the meadow’s edge. They were falling from all the trees. One branch of the oak reached high a..."